12 December 2018

Custom Claim Handler in Fediz Plugin

Apache Fediz plugin provides now a support for custom claim processing since version 1.4.5. This allows fine grained claim control on application side, which is very useful if you are not in control of the IDP/STS claim creation itself. Or if you want to do some local claim value mapping that is very application specific.

In this blog post, I will show you how to leverage this new Fediz feature.

28 September 2018

Using camel json schema validation in Talend Studio

Schema validation is well known for XML content. Since JSON has become very popular in combination with REST services the need for JSON schema validation has also increased.

JSON schema validation is available since Camel 2.20.0 matching Talend Studio version 7.0.1.

This article describes how JSON schema validation can be used for Talend Studio route development.